Mirror Me

Media psycholoog & concept: Priscilla Haring

Technische begeleider & demo maker: Stijn Kuipers

Model: Inge Schoemakers

Sponsored: Ideas Waiting To Happen

Graphics & video: Local Androids

Leonie Baauw (Local Androids) and Priscilla Haring are the inventors of “Mirror Me”. "Mirror Me" won first price at an innovation contest "Ideas Waiting To Happen" in 2012. There are enough ways to lose weight, but mostly people lose motivation if a diet takes long. “Mirror Me” focuses on obese people who have problems to keep motivated. That's why we developed motivational software that records your process and visualizes it on screen. The software uses the Kinect (3-d camera) to measure your body mass and allows you to visually adjust your weight as desired. Once you’ve set a goal it records you process which you can then review. The slight changes of your everyday diet become much more visual and this helps keep up your motivation. “Mirror Me” is a smart piece of software that is based on self-reflection.

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